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Savback Helicopters

Sprzedaż i wynajem helikopterów
Hällestad, Sweden
Technologies used:
Sales Cloud, Apex, WordPress, Python, Salesforce Flows, Lightning Email Templates, Lightning Web Components


Revolutionizing the International Aviation Market

Savback Helicopters, an international and independent vendor of new and pre-owned aircraft, has been a stalwart in the aviation industry since its inception in 1999. Founded by Michael Savbäck, a renowned figure with over thirty years of experience in the helicopter business, the company has sold over 900 helicopters to satisfied private, public, and commercial clients. As a family-run enterprise, Savback prides itself on being agile and customer-centric while maintaining its strong Swedish roots.

With their commitment to delivering the best in terms of investment value, operational costs, safety, sustainability, and technology, Savback has established lasting relationships with leading manufacturers such as Airbus Helicopters, Bombardier, Piper, and Cessna. Their extensive network allows them to offer unbiased advice and take care of sourcing and purchasing across all makes and models.

Presently, Savback stands at the precipice of introducing groundbreaking initiatives that promise to redefine the aviation sector. Their vision for the future is clear – to continue leading, innovating, and serving their clientele with utmost dedication.

However, as Savback's reach expanded, they needed to streamline their internal processes to efficiently manage their growing customer base. Savback reached out to Hitteps to enhance their operational capabilities, leveraging our team's expertise in Salesforce services. Our goal was to provide Savback with a tailored solution that would help them maintain their competitive edge in the aviation market.

What we did

Our team worked closely with Savback to identify key areas where Salesforce solutions could bring valuable improvements to their operations. Below are the key tasks and implementations that we completed for Savback:

Integration with WordPress webiste

To provide a cohesive digital experience, we linked the Enquiry and Contact Us forms on the Savback website with the Salesforce CRM. This integration allowed us to automatically pass data from the website forms into Salesforce, consolidating all client and prospect information in a centralized location.


  • Simplified the data storage process, allowing for quick and easy retrieval of customer and prospect information
  • Efficient report generation, providing insights at a glance.
  • Time optimization and reduced risk of errors for Sales Representatives by minimizing manual data entry.
  • Improved team collaboration and productivity.

Website Modifications and LWC development

We implemented specific modifications to the website, aligning it more closely with the business's requirements and ensuring seamless user navigation. Furthermore, we introduced a new Lightning Web Component (LWC) to effectively present product information on the Deal records, providing users with a streamlined and efficient way to access and view product details.


  • Ensured the website's alignment with Savback's business needs, resulting in a more cohesive online presence.
  • Enhanced product presentation on Deal records, allowing users to quickly assess the benefits and features of Savback's offerings.
  • Improved user engagement and information accessibility, leading to increased inquiries and interactions with the Savback team.

Notifications and Process Automations

Ensuring timely communication, we set up an automatic email notification system that alerted users about pending tasks and vital changes in product prices or record statuses. This keeps important information always at the fingertips of Savback's employees.


  • Reduced likelihood of overlooking important information, resulting in more informed decision-making.
  • Accelerated response time by employees, ensuring timely action on matters requiring attention.
  • Increased sales and customer retention, increasing the probability of closing deals and retaining loyal customers.
  • Enhanced team collaboration and accountability.

Task Management

Understanding the criticality of timely follow-ups, we introduced an automation system that assigned tasks to Sales Representatives based on lead activity, ensuring no lead was left unattended. The automation was expanded to cover various scenarios where tasks were auto-assigned to CRM users.


  • Effective time and data utilization, ensuring timely follow-ups and efficient lead management.
  • Real-time tracking of employee tasks enabling better accountability and productivity.
  • Identification and elimination of inefficiencies in business processes.

Bug Fixes and Data Cleansing

Our team identified and resolved numerous bugs, improving system stability and overall performance. In addition, we conducted comprehensive data cleansing to remove obsolete and redundant information, ensuring data integrity and accuracy within the CRM system.


  • Improved the stability and performance of the system, ensuring smoother and more efficient operations.
  • Enhanced quality of generated reports, enabling better analysis and insights.
  • Streamlined decision-making process and more personalized customer experience.


Elevated Operations and Service Excellence

With our tailored Salesforce solutions, Savback Helicopters has experienced significant enhancements in their operations and aircraft trading and consultancy services:

  1. Streamlined processes with website Integration: the integration of the Savback website with Salesforce CRM has not only centralized data storage but also optimized lead management and report generation. This streamlined process has allowed Savback to more efficiently manage and analyze information, making informed decisions that contribute to better customer service and increased sales.
  2. Automated task management: our automated task notification system has significantly improved Savback's task and lead management. By automatically assigning tasks to Sales Representatives, Savback has been able to increase the productivity and accountability of their staff, leading to more efficient business processes and improved customer relationships.
  3. Enhanced notifications and process automation: with the implementation of automatic email notifications, Savback employees are always informed about their tasks, price changes, and significant record changes. This efficient flow of information has accelerated employee response times and reduced the likelihood of overlooking crucial information, resulting in more effective service to their clients.
  4. Improved user experience and data quality: through our efforts in addressing bugs, conducting data cleansing, making website modifications, and introducing a new Lightning Web Component, we have significantly heightened the overall user experience within the CRM. This has not only improved the quality of reports generated but also better aligned the website with the business's requirements, contributing to a more cohesive online presence.

By leveraging the power of Salesforce, Savback Helicopters has not only optimized their internal processes but also revolutionized their aircraft trading and consultancy services. With enhanced operational efficiency and superior customer service, Savback has positioned itself for continued growth and success in the highly competitive international aviation market.

Their strategic transformation sets them on a promising trajectory to continue providing outstanding services to their clients around the world.

