Tidy Up Your Salesforce Org: Clear Out Problem Fields for a Smoother Experience

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Optimise Your Salesforce Org: Identifying and Cleaning Up Problematic Fields

At Hitteps, we know that a well-maintained Salesforce org is a key to efficient business operations and data-driven decision-making. A cluttered Salesforce environment with unnecessary fields can hinder your team’s productivity and complicate your workflows. In this article, we’ll explore how to identify and clean up problematic fields in Salesforce, helping you maintain an efficient system—something we’re passionate about.

Understanding the Impact of Problematic Fields

Excess fields in Salesforce often lead to multiple issues. They can overwhelm users, making it difficult for them to find and enter the right information, which degrades the overall user experience. Performance issues can also arise, as an abundance of fields can slow down page load times and hinder the overall performance of your Salesforce instance. Additionally, unnecessary or redundant fields increase the risk of inconsistent or incorrect data, which can lead to poor decision-making across your organisation.

Steps to Optimise Your Salesforce Org

The first step in optimising your Salesforce org involves identifying problematic fields using tools like Salesforce’s Field Usage Analysis app, which provides insights into fields that are rarely used, have missing data, or are redundant. Focus on fields with low usage, high rates of incomplete or inaccurate data, or those duplicated across different objects. After identifying these fields, analyse their impact by considering their importance to business operations, their value in providing information, and their usage in reports or workflows. Fields that are seldom used or minimally impactful can often be removed or consolidated to simplify the interface for users.

Before executing the cleanup, careful planning is necessary. It's crucial to back up data from fields being considered for deletion to prevent any potential data loss. Engaging with stakeholders helps ensure that removing a field won’t disrupt workflows or reporting needs. Additionally, testing changes in a sandbox environment before implementing them in production allows you to identify any unintended consequences. Once these steps are completed, the actual cleanup can begin. Start by removing redundant or unused fields, ensuring they are not referenced in workflows, formulas, or integrations. For fields that still hold some utility, consider consolidating them with other fields or updating their configurations to better align with user needs.

Optimisation should be an ongoing process rather than a one-time task. Regular audits of your fields help maintain their relevance and necessity, and soliciting user feedback on confusing or unnecessary fields can guide future cleanup efforts. This continuous approach ensures that your Salesforce environment remains lean, efficient, and aligned with the evolving needs of your organisation.

Benefits of Cleaning Up Your Salesforce Fields

Cleaning up your Salesforce fields brings numerous benefits, including an improved user experience due to a cleaner, more organised interface that simplifies navigation and data entry. Enhanced performance is another significant advantage, as reducing the number of fields can lead to faster page load times and smoother system performance. Moreover, focusing on essential fields helps to maintain higher data quality, reducing the chances of errors and inconsistencies that could impact business decisions.


Regularly identifying and cleaning up problematic fields in Salesforce is key to maintaining a smooth-running, high-quality, and efficient org. By making field cleanup a regular part of your Salesforce admin routine, you ensure that your CRM system remains optimised to support your business’s evolving needs.

If you’re finding similar challenges in your Salesforce org, we’d love to discuss them with you. Schedule a 30-minute virtual coffee with us here, and let's chat about how we can help optimise your Salesforce experience!

Source: https://www.salesforceben.com/optimize-your-salesforce-org-by-pinpointing-problem-fields-and-cleaning-them-up/
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